Everyone in camp this second week of fishing season is having great catching. The Lane brother have had in the 6 lb+ department, hopefully we can get some pictures of the released fish; Tom and Craig are catching a lot too, accumulating nice keepers for fish fry here and take home, released a lot of big ones. The fellows from Iowa are having a great time in their fishing hours too, The Steves and Mike have had a blast and lots of fish. The folks that are new to Lake Kabetogama got their wish today, and the weather is less windy and nice a toasty sun. They have found some nice Northern as they wished for, and cleaning a bunch each evening. Scott & Jack, from Wi., used to go to Canada often, but find Kab just as good and less hassle!! All in all, a great week coming up on Memorial Day Week. Come on up and give it a try!!
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The Yaegers have arrived! Dr. John from Maple Grove and daughter Ali from St. Paul area. They have had lots of big Walleye in the boat. Today some nice perch. Photos on the gallery for this week.
Also, this week our manager, Ken, caught many large Northern. There is a picture on the photo gallery of his 39" Northern, but that was the smaller one that he saved. Other folks have hunted grouse with some success and fish. Fun times! Hot HOT HOT even way up north! Fishing was ok in the morning most days, but the heat would get to one by mid morning and have to come in. Plan B for many of us was the water playing, for Lake Kabetogama is wonderful for swimming!
Many times groups in camp went to islands, and jumped in and explored. A couple of boats went down the Ash River for a trip and had lunch. Comments are that folks are glad we have A/C in our units. Sue conducted yoga moves on the dock in the mornings, and 3 others followed along, great way to start the day. Family visited Ken and Deb, so it was nice that Ken laid off the yard work a few days to be with them, and with the heat, the grass was dormant anyhow. One of our regular guests fell ill on the way up last Saturday. We wish them well and look forward to their return. The dogs in camp loved going in the water after play toys, balls and the like. On the photo gallery, note the island fun and how one guest, Sue, carried her dog in a nice bag, for on the trails, a dog must be on a leash or not allowed. Shannon from Tx was here a couple weeks ago, and we call her to Dog Lady. It is predicted to cool off, and that will be welcome, but this was a good week for all anyhow. "We will return" folks are saying. Saving the fishing for the week, Matt from Rochester, Maclean's friend, he wrestled a 23" nice walleye. Look at his photo on our gallery and see his expression! Thanks Matt for the picture! We have a fun, wild and crazy extended family in camp this week, with water sports and fishing!
Weather has settled down, somewhat warmer than last week. Managers Ken and Deb had 8 keepers, mostly Saugers, yesterday. The Petersons and Bublerls brought in fish too. The Holts that released large Northern last week, has sent their pictures to the [email protected] and are now posted under photo gallery and Aug 3 to 10. The smiles on their faces say it all. See the photo of Jaime Maclean and his 23" Walleye and his big smile! Guide/friend, Don Granger, gave Jaime, Carla and Jim the experience of fishing on Rainy Lake via portaging at Kettle Falls. The cook fried the fish up, and they enjoyed a fresh, walleye shore lunch! It was a great day for everyone. Thanks for the photo. The family here this week finished off the week with a fire works display. Family from Texas, the Carrolls, graced us with their presence as often as they could. Thanks to everyone, come again! The "boys" all from Milwaukee area, Steve, Shawn and Jim, arrived, snacked, and took off. They happened across a hot spot and were back less than two hours later, with four nice keepers. The boys had over 7 Walleye they released up to 25 1/2", many Northern and some nice Sauger. They are happy campers for sure. Back out they go after dinner!!
The Trevena family has had their share too. Between Larry and Kay from Ks, and Matt and Suz from Penn., they are getting fresh fish for daily meals. These folks love Kab Walleye! New grandma Sheila, Ks., baby sits so people can fish, so it all works! It is a busy week for the fish house again. Weather has cooled nicely, but that won't keep the Nurses from the water sports. They were still boarding, tubing and skiing into the dusk hours! Kabetogama is a favorite!! All new folks in camp this week. Another glorious, bright sunny day at Kab and all boats caught fish. Many were too big to keep, as they were out of the slot, but lots of fun had by all. Georgia L. from Rogers, and her 23", Karen W. and her 18+" from Langford, S.D. A good start to a good week.
We have updated the website and are beginning to "blog". Let the fish stories be told. Let the pictures be shared. Let the fun, random, exciting and unique experiences of our guests, families and friends be shared. We love having our new caretakers/managers Ken and Deb here. Folks have commented on how friendly and helpful they are. They have been doing a Saturday afternoon cookout and cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning. Thank you Ken and Deb! We had a slow start mid May with the late ice-out, but that didn't discourage our "Cabanna Boys in the AARP" cabin! Pete pushed the ice away from the dock so the others could get a line in out about 4'. Actually caught some fish! Then on Thursday, Mike L., and Tommy D. from Buhl, and Johnny R. from Hibbing area caught quite a few! There is a photo in the gallery. Our second week of the season found the Engbrethe folks catching a lot! We have pictures on our Face Book of some. The other folks in camp did well too, and weather held up nicely. Over the Memorial Day week, the regular folks who return every year, had a blast with the catching/fish fry/catching, repeat. Thanks to all of you for returning. Moving on, we had folks from Iowa and Indiana here and they faired very well, but the cutest animal story was from Marlene. She was fishing off the dock and landed a Northern. She got it on the dock as Mark was in the cabin for a minute. Up the steps comes an Otter, looking for a free meal! Marlene shooed it away from her flopping fish because she was afraid of the Otter getting the hook and all the line. That was a brazen, hungry Otter! It swam under the dock and got the minnow on the line. The next few weeks were good fishing and stable weather for the most part. Cody B. caught a BIG fish and was so excited! I told him to hold out his hands as to the size of the fish. Mom will send a picture she took, but this is all we have right now. The weeks after Cody's week, was still good fishing, mid to latter June. See the picture of Margaret with her 26" Walleye and the Miller family with all their pictures. Mrs Miller, Jen, took most of their pictures, so she wasn't in many of them, but we are looking for one. Melissa and Adam had successful fishing expeditions also. The last night they got their limit of Bass, a fun week for all.
~Joan Colton Miller, 25" Walleye. "I was shaking so bad I couldn't hold the fish!" Check out the Photo Gallery for more photo's from the Miller family Catches.
Margret M. from St. Cloud, MN - "It was such a thrill! I was shaking I was so excited." Catch and Release.